Anna Carfora’s new show “Promozioni” successfully debuts in London. A packed theatre confirmed Anna’s intuition for this surreal story about love, money and humanity. Directed by Tonje Wik Olaussen and also starring our Alida Pantone, the show...
Alida Pantone confirms her extraordinary talent in this summer season. Her brilliant performance as Maya Belviso in Eternity Station (written by Lorenzo Fantini) secured her a new role in the upcoming Screen Rebels’ production (on stage 25th and 29th October...
Tania Firth will be “Charlie” in You, Me and the Worst Dinner Party, an absurd comedy by Arundel Thomas executive writer for the Olympia Players. 18th – 20th May at the Market Chambers. Follow: Tania Firth Official Twitter Olympia Player Official...
Full house at the Phoenix Artist Club for the Screen Rebels production performed live in the London West End, where Alida Pantone enchanted the audience in the role of Valeria Mantovani. Follow: Screen Rebel Official Facebook Page Alida Pantone Official Facebook Page...
It’s a wrap on our 1st short film! “Miss Julia”, written by Richard Banks, is a modern love story filmed by international Director Michael Peristeris with the help of Hollywood Award Winner Jel Djelal, camera assistant Márcia Sousa and sound...
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