In this unique acting challenge, we invite you to take a classic monologue and reinterpret it in a completely new context or setting. The goal is to encourage creative thinking and versatility, allowing you to showcase your skill in adapting familiar material into something fresh and original.

Monologue for the Exercise: From William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” – Hamlet’s Soliloquy

“To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them.”

Challenge Instructions:

  1. Choose a setting or context vastly different from the original play (e.g., a futuristic world, a corporate boardroom, etc.).
  2. Adapt your delivery, tone, and expressions to suit this new setting, while keeping the text of the monologue unchanged.
  3. Record your performance and share it with us.


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Mindful Reflections at Year’s End

Mindful Reflections at Year’s End

As the year's final curtain slowly draws near, there's a story in the quiet moments behind the scenes, a story that each of us, as actors, carries within. The echoes of applause fade, the stage lights dim to a soft glow, and the heart of our theatre – its soul –...